Oh, MySpace. Anyone remember that?

Bulletins, profile songs, HTML editing & Top 8s with the power to start a war—those were the days…

Except not, because social media is still social media & even back then it had its problems (thanks, Tom).

But in a world before the term “influencer” was actually coined, they definitely still existed. And if you ever logged onto the Internet between the years of about 2006 to 2010, you more than likely remember seeing a few of them with bubble gum pink hair, pounds of eyeliner & some of the first high-profile obsessions with online self-promotion on the books. 

In the words of David Letterman, this next guest needs no introduction. Many of us were there & fortunately lived through it. Though either way there’s no ignoring what’s lived on as one of the most ridiculous fashion phases to hit the 21st century yet: scene kids. 

The mountains of hairspray, closets full of Vans, neon everything, Hello Kitty bows, coontail extensions, morbid alliterations, maxing out the contrast on photos taken from every above-the-head angle in existence & using dryer sheets to make your hair to stick to your face.

You remember the ones. 

Even though many of us thought it was a GREAT idea at the time, in hindsight, it was about as obnoxious as it gets. And while we have covered how some countercultures stick with you through thick & thin, this is one that – praise the sartorial gods – did not.

Which was definitely for the best. 

Although regardless of how you feel, there’s still no discounting the personal brands that several of the biggest “Scene Queens” managed to build. At the time, they were iconic. Their LiveJournals were must-reads. And even though some eventually fell into the chasms of irrelevance – for others, it was only the beginning of what career milestones they’d go on to hit.

Seriously, who woulda thought???


Jac Vanek Scene Queen Emo Tiara Warped Tour
Jac Vanek Now 2020 LadyGang

(Image Sources: 1 & 2)

If you remembered all the things as previously mentioned above, then you most def remember the scene staple that was a Jac Vanek rubber bracelet. Arguably now poised with the most mainstream success of them all, Jac was a true pioneer in the scene – starting with her relationship with OG P!ATD guitarist Ryan Ross (UGH, throwback swoons).

Even though she was sometimes interpreted as nothing more than a Warped Tour band groupie, she’s actually always been the most entrepreneurial of the bunch. After years of raking in the dough from her personal merch brand, she’s now 1/3rd of the mega-popular podcast (& former E! show) LadyGang & has expanded her apparel brand to a few little stores you may have heard of – like Nasty Gal, Topshop & Zumiez. 



Audrey Kitching Scene Queen Scene Kid Hot Pink Hair
Audrey Kitching Now Instagram Crystal Cactus

(Image Sources: 1 & 2)

Similar to Jac, Audrey is another one who staked her claim to scene fame from the start. After gaining online traction from being a teenage model-turned-blogger, she quickly rose to Internet popularity for her notoriously polarizing sense of style. As years went on she (& her look) started to separate from the scene, but that was far from the end of her time in the limelight.

Ditching the hot pink hair for more cotton candy vibes & trading Skelanimals shoots for astrological studies, she’s spent the last several years transitioning her brand into the spiritual space. Armed with her new age lifestyle company Crystal Cactus & an insane Instagram feed that’s straight out of an alien dream, she’s certainly come a long way from the plastic tiara days.


Jeffree Star Scene Queen Pink Hair Myspace
Jeffree Star Scene Queen Now Blue Hair Cosmetics Youtube

(Image Sources: 1 & 2)

I know we’re all dumbfounded “Fame & Riches, Rehab Bitches” didn’t get that Grammy nom back in 2009, but Jeffree Star is another former SQ who’s still going surprisingly strong. Instead of falling off the face of the earth as could have easily been an option, he swapped MySpace for YouTube & has since become one of the highest paid vloggers in the world.

Initially reinventing his online empire with the help of makeup tutorials, Jeffree went on to launch Jeffree Star Cosmetics in 2014…which subsequently has become a multi-million dollar company. And despite his seeming habit of picking fights with the likes of Kat Von D, Too Faced Cosmetics, Kylie Jenner…oh yeah & Kim too, one can’t deny the success he’s managed to find.


Hanna Beth Scene Queen MySpace
Hanna Beth Now BarbieBeth Influencer Instagram Delias

(Image Source)

Once an influencer, always an influencer – or at least, that seems to be the case with Hanna Beth! Reining as one of the top queens (next to Audrey, of course) proved to be a stellar warm-up, since she’s now pivoted to the great, wide world of social à la Insta. From what I gather, the ‘gram is about as far as it goes (minus her winning stint on the short-lived E! competition reality show House of DVF), but hey, she’s doing her thing. And seems to be pretty content with how it’s all going.


Kiki Kannibal Scene Queen Coon Tails Scene Kid
Kiki Kannibal Scene Queen Now Kirsten Ostrenga

(Image Source)

Unlike the four we’ve mentioned so far, Kiki Kannibal (AKA Kirsten Ostrenga) is one that might be more ‘know the face, not the name’.

She definitely had the hair on lock & we give her mad entrepreneur points as well with those signature diamond necklaces. But if Kiki were a Friends episode, she would unfortunately come to be “The One Who Played With Fire” – as crazily chronicled by Rolling Stone a few years back.

Contrary to the rest of this squad who were at least in their twenties at the time, she was on the opposite end of the spectrum at only 14. Needless to say, it turned into a pretty gnarly path of death threats, abuse & creeps to the extreme, so now she’s moved onto a better, (slightly) more private way of life. Which apparently includes vlogging, environmental consciousness, veganism & being a fiery sprite.


Zui Suicide Scene Queen Suicide Girls
Zui Suicide Now Lauren Willoughby

(Image Sources: 1 & 2)

And lastly, there’s Zui Suicide. While her sticking fame has always been a little more understated than the rest, she certainly had her own knack when it came to social media savvy. In addition to starring alongside Audrey in the YouTube reality show (I guess we’ll call it?) Trashy Life, she was also one of the first official Suicide Girls! Which is pretty cool. But instead of posing for Hot Topic, it seems a lot of her time nowadays is dedicated to #momlife.

With the occasional photoshoot still sprinkled in, too.

Well hopefully that was a nice little trip down memory lane. Getting caught up on all the things you hadn’t thought about for a good eight years – & are just as happy to never think about again.

Guys, it was bleak. But we made it! And our hair still thanks us for the reprieve.

Cheers to glowing up.


((feature image sources: 1 & 2))



Cute black cat

As of today, it’s officially been two whole years since this crazy little maniac splashed her way into our lives. So naturally, we had to celebrate the occasion in style!

Brunch style, to be exact.

After some epic menu planning, vibe coordinating & purchasing a LOT of cheap champagne, the Cheriversary brunch bash was born. And I have to say, it turned out to be prettty epic.

Even though I’m obsessed with the idea of entertaining (past life experience, I’m sure), I honestly haven’t yet had a ton of opportunities to throw ~bigger deal~ get-togethers of my own. So despite having to exercise self-restraint at every turn (i.e. no metallic balloons that spelled out “CHER”), it was major fun figuring out how to orchestrate a five-star fab gathering- while also not breaking the bank.

Sure, a bottomless pocketbook is nice, but getting creative is where all the fun is anyway. So we’re here to discuss some of the tips & tricks that helped make this mission possible:


thrifty mimosa bar orange juice cranberry juice limeade

Who doesn’t love a good mimosa bar? Monsters, that’s who. When it comes to hosting, no matter how big or small, mimosas are ALWAYS a fantastic option. You can go however all out or reined in you’d like in terms of selection, and they can be relatively inexpensive, too!

((if you’re down for J. Roget))

For this round, I filled glass carafes (s/o to the 99-cent store) with orange, cranberry & limeade juices plus fresh mint & insanely thin-sliced jalapeños for garnish. With so many fun juices available nowadays, they’re super fun to play around with. Although, if you get a little turned off by how concentrated & sugary some of them can get, I always like to have sparkling flavored water on hand to help cut it. Extra flavor, a few less calories- it’s a win-win.


Everything bagel and lox crostinis

The original idea was to use bagel chips. But news flash: BAGEL CHIPS ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND. In Burbank, at least. Who knew. Though luckily these garlic butter-drenched crostini’s flew in to save the day, & it totally worked just the same. 

Topped with whipped cream cheese, some slices of TJ’s smoked salmon, slivers of red onion, a caper & everything bagel seasoning…in the words of Rachel Zoe: I die. We die. Ugh, so good.


Hashbrown breakfast cups

And speaking of Trader Joe’s, I swear they have the BEST frozen tots. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a fact. So sticking two of them into each pit of a mini muffin tin to bake for ten minutes, then squishing them into cups topped with sausage &/or cheese to finish baking for another ten was next-level. Plain & simple.


Mini ramekin quiches leopard print

Two words: PRAISE MARTHA. I’ve never made quiche before, so obviously doing it for a crowd sounds like a great setting to first attempt. But with the help of OG lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, it went off without a hitch. 

Spring boarding off of this basic recipe, I customized our mini quiche moment with bacon, mushrooms, green chiles & some cheese…which will definitely linger in my dreams for the next two weeks, minimum. Coupled with these Cher-approved, leopard print, oven-safe ramekins, it was the perfect nucleus of the menu.



blood orange olive oil cake on cake stand

While I do love a good bake sesh, there was a ton of other stuff to do. So for even the most novice of bakers, an olive oil cake can do the trick! It’s fairly simple to throw together & best of all, there’s no complicated frosting job required. You basically bake it upside down, plop it out onto a cake stand (in my case, a $2 matching charger plate hot glued onto a candle stick- it worked so well) & bask in the beauty that is caramelized blood orange topping.


I thought long & hard about a glam, Pinterest-inspired fruit platter, only to remember how awkwardly expensive fruit always is. So we settled for grapes, which actually ended up being a perfect accoutrement to satisfy the brunchy craving.

Cranberry mimosa cat napkin

I mean you have graduations, birthdays, retirements, whatever. But “gotcha days”? They’re the best of them all. So even if your familiar’s anniversary isn’t anytime soon, hopefully you can get down with these tips & feel the need to go throw a brunch for them anyway.

And if there’s anything else as equally fantastically psycho you’ve ever done for your pet, please do tell.

I’m always looking for inspiration.



Teens in 2000 to 2009: IT’S NOT A PHASE, MOM

2019: … *Spotify Year In Review is filled with all the same music*

Regardless if you’re one to still let your freak flag aesthetically fly, or keep it reined in to your playlists & choice of nail polish, the fact is we’re in exceptionally good (& large!) company when it comes to the roster of current- & former-goths.

Hopping onto the bandwagon for shallow reasons was always one thing, but I am a HUGE believer that any genuine alternative “phase” (not a phase) is something that potentially sticks with you forever. 

Time is a thing. So eventually you grow out of the angsty teenage years, set sail into the workforce, evolve your style & may or may decide to bring the aesthetic along with you. But even if you trade in your blue hair for blowouts, & industrial dancing cred for an ergonomic office chair, it doesn’t mean that part of you doesn’t continue to play a role.

Way back when in those god-awful grade-school years, we were all drawn to whatever scene for a reason. Whether it was the music, the movies, the themes or philosophies held by its people, there were crystal-clear reasons why your little black sheep heart chose the pop-cultural path it did. And here you are, metamorphosed into the slightly less fledgling of a freak that stands today!

No doubt, it’s been a wild ride. Although I think it’s important to stay true to & relish in the things you KNOW have always stuck near & dear to your heart. No matter when you discovered them…& no matter what type of highly questionable hairstyle you inevitably sported at the time (did I mention we’ve all teeth-clenchingly been there?).

Which is why my rant is officially over & it’s now time to remember that celebrities are hilariously no different. 

Seriously! When you think “goth” celebs, of course there’s Kelly, Winona, Taylor Momsen – you know, the ~obvious~ suspects who’ve never fully abandoned their dark-friendly looks. Then, there are the A-listers like Taylor Swift who have ONE old MySpace picture with dark hair that the Internet freaks out about & claims it was a “it’s not a phase, mom” phase. Ugh, insane. 

BUT those aside, I wanted to pull the curtain back on a few of the more unsuspecting peeps. Like the ones you never would have guessed they took their looks to the dark side at one point or another.

Because as I mentioned, we’ve all teeth-clenchingly been there !!!

So let’s begin:


Christina Hendricks goth

Image Source

Office Manager of a 1960s ad agency is a bit of a pivot from the obligatory brooding-teen-goth-in-the-woods pic, but hey, she undoubtably rocked it! From Mad Men to Good Girls, to one of the voices in Toy Story 4 (none of which I’ve actually seen but a lot of people seem to like !) Christina Hendricks has definitely come a long way from her jet black-laden days.


Elizabeth Hurley goth punk

Image Source

Definitely a punk if there ever was one, Elizabeth Hurley spent quite a time raging against the cultural grain, without question. Of course, we all know the British bombshell from The Royals, Austin Powers & ~most importantly~ Gossip Girl, but before her modeling debut, she was all about this bold, badass & gravity-defying look.


Melissa McCarthy goth young high school

Image Source

So even though Melissa McCarthy somehow went from cheerleader to mega-goth overnight, we have to at least give her props for some apparently major commitment. According to her husband & fellow actor/comedian Ben Falcone, the Gilmore Girls & Bridesmaids alumna donned a “really scary” kabuki-makeup/blue-hair/black-coat-in-the-summer situation throughout some of her high school years. So wish we had a pic of that!


Cate Blanchett goth punk young

Image Source

Who doesn’t love a gal with a good buzz cut, am I right? Probably taking the cake of most unrecognizable is the too-many-roles-to-count superstar Cate Blanchett. Citing her pale skin as one of the biggest things she celebrated during the time (girl, we feel), she proudly represented the Aussie goths & now has a million prestigious acting awards to show for it.


Andrew Yang goth young high school

Image Source

And arguably one of the most surprising of them all, the prez candidate himself- Andrew Yang. Revealing his truth as a full-on “ex-goth” via Twitter earlier in 2019, he included his fave bands of the time & a few pics of the long(ish), greasy hair. A few months later another pic surfaced showing a pretty hefty dose of guyliner as well. But apparently that one was just a Halloween costume.

Embarrassing baby goth photos = SO much to love.

We wouldn’t be where we are now without them. So what’s the best-worst fashion memory you have?

Mine was definitely the great “scene hair” pandemic of 2009…


((additional feature image source))


Is anyone else still trying to catch up from the holidays, or is it just me?

Ugh, seriously. It’s great. It’s fun. Wouldn’t trade it for the world, but MAN – routines sure do get messed up. Which is why it’s January & I’m ~just now~ getting around to posting about yet another timeless, top winter tradition: HOMEMADE CHEX MIX!

Best chex mix recipe

((even though it’s totally fitting any day of the year))

It all started back five, six…maybe seven years ago when I launched into the ultimate mental quest to come up with the perfect little holiday gesture for friends, the fam & neighbors. Of course there’s always cookies & chocolate, but everyone already has enough of that come this time of year (I guess from all of the other people trying to come up with the perfect little holiday gesture, too?). 

So if we’re not going sweet, then all roads clearly lead to salty…which means figuring out how to make what’s only the most rich, delicious & supremely perfect bar/party/alone-in-your-bed-at-3AM snack ever. And we did it! So now we share.

Because hello, the world NEEDS Chex Mix. And we aren’t monsters…


+ 2.5 c corn Chex

+ 2.5 c wheat Chex

+ 2 c pretzels 

+ 1/2 c Goldfish (or other cheese cracker)

+ 1/2 c raw almonds 

+ 4 T butter (or Earth Balance for all my vegan peeps)

+ 2 T Worcestershire sauce (again, could easily swap for a vegan version)

+ 1-2 T hot sauce

+ 1 T chile-garlic sauce (optional but GREAT)

+ 1 T seasoned salt

+ 1 t granulated garlic

+ 1/2 t granulated onion

+ dashes of black pepper, chile powder, cayenne

// WHAT TO DO //

++ Combine the Chex, pretzels, Goldfish & almonds in a large (& I mean large) mixing bowl. Then, line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil & start preheating the oven to 250ºF.

Party snacks

++ Melt the butter on the stovetop or in the microwave & mix in all of the sauces & spices.

++ Pour the delicious butter/sauce/spice mix over the dry ingredients & gently stir until everything is coated.

++ Pour the coated mix onto the baking sheet & spread it out to get as thin of a layer as possible.

++ Bake in the oven for one hour & 15 minutes, stirring the mix every 15 minutes.

++ Remove from the oven & let cool for about 15 additional minutes.

game day recipes

Now, if you’re planning to keep it all to yourself, then simply Tupperware it up & try to resist engulfing the whole batch in one sitting. But if it’s a gift, then you can trick out some easy-to-find (& super cheap!) glass jars with a customized tag, some ribbon & hot-glued trim all the around…

Like this FAUX FURRY TRIM we scored this past year in festively chic emerald & ruby colors!

DIY Christmas gift

Yes, our neighborhood was probably a little confused to find an army of furry jars filled with snacks descend upon their front porches, but hey, that’s the fun, right?



Happy New Year, my msft party people!

It’s time to say hello to all the ~n3w year, n3w me~ posts because 2020 has officially arrived. 

((( as mind-blowingly WEIRD as that still feels to say )))

Now, it’s not like we ~don’t~ have just as corny yet super relevant resolutions as the next guy; but in addition to vowing to schlep to the gym a little more often & maybe make one less mimosa every now & again, another always-fun way to kickstart a brand-new year is with a good ol’ fashioned tarot spread. 

IDK about you, but after jotting down all the fresh, fierce goals in mind for the shiny year, it only feels natural to then flip perspective on its head. Sure, you’ve set sights on what you’d like to come of the next 12 lunar cycles, but what about what the cosmos has up its own sleeve?

That’s where our New Year-specific spread comes into play. 

Morgan Greer tarot cards

Before the low-key panic starts to set in – breathe easy. This is not one of those crazy complicated, sometimes intimidating, how-the-hell-am-I-ever-going-to-remember-all-of-this kind of spreads. Oh no. This one, in all reality, couldn’t GET any simpler. So wipe those beads of sweat off your furrowed brow & let’s dive right in!

First off – as always – you want to clear out your cards (AKA knock on them three times) & give them a good, thorough shuffle. And if you can’t shuffle, cue splattering them around the ground to move around & restack because seriously, we can’t all be Vegas Black Jack dealers, right?

Next, neatly fan them out in a line or circle across a table, the floor or whatever else that works best for you.

tarot card spread

While concentrating on the question “what does this next year have in store for me?”, say the phrase out loud & pick out 13 cards, one at a time. As you select them, place each one in order along the pattern below, with the final card placed by itself at the bottom.

New Year tarot card spread

Hooray – you did it! Now…what is it supposed to mean???

Each of the cards represents a different month of the year. As you can guess, the first one is January, the second is February, following the shape to finally end in December. 

One of my personal fave elements of tarot is how it speaks to one big narrative. So as you study your own reading, just think of it like the cosmos’ very own Insta story for your coming year.

The high priestess tarot card

Especially in a spread like this, I also like to pay special attention to major versus minor cards, which differentiate between the potentially more significant/thematic life events & menial day-to-day happenings; as well as reversed/upside down cards, which represent lesser, opposite, impending or sometimes even blocked energies – as opposed to the more straightforward  interpretations as represented by their normal, upright counterparts.

But before you get ~too far~ down that rabbit hole, don’t forget that lone, little guy at the bottom! Twelve cards later, this last card is supposed to encompass our overall, personal theme for the year. And for as tempting as it might be to take it all in one card at a time, it can be extremely insightful to use that final card as a master lens to assess all the rest.

So take notes! Take a pic! Pin it on your wall & buy a brand new deck! Do whatever you have to do to keep your own spread in mind & have fun seeing how it plays out throughout the year.

Rumor has it 2020 is bound to be a wild one. So what’s on tap for you?



Whenever it comes to the holidays, I’m all about putting new spins on things. Instead of kelly green, let’s opt for emerald. Swap Crayola red for ruby. Cartoon snowflakes & creepy Santa prints? I’ll take metallics & faux fur ANY day.

But when we’re talking about infusing tradition with our own taste, there’s always room (& by room I mean a need) for some spookalicious action as well. Which is why last year as K & I pined over the classic struggle of how to decorate an apartment ((not to mention, with two devious kittens in the mix, too)), we hit a road block. 

UNTIL – the solution came…

Stockings! Specifically, made out of the spooktacularly festive fabric we recently saw at one of our fave local horror stores.

So from there, the creation began. Never had I thought about sewing stockings, but hey, it’s just a giant sock, right? How hard could it really be? And I have to say, it felt like they turned out pretttty freaking well.

Goth Christmas stockings

So kiss the tired, ’80s mantles goodbye! And say hello to the creepy-cute holiday upgrade you never knew you needed…


+ 1 sheet, tissue paper

+ 1/2 yard, spooky outer fabric

+ 1/2 yard, lining fabric (minky or a short-piled faux fur looks best IMO!)

+ A scrap of ribbon or other thick fabric (for the hanger)

+ A needle & heavy-duty thread

+ Puff paint pens (optional)

goth black white red green fabric

// STEPS //

++ Draw your main stocking shape onto a piece of tissue paper. I used the measurements below, but feel free to customize for whatever size you like/need!

DIY stocking

++ Cut out your stocking pattern & fold the outer fabric in half such that the right-sides are facing IN; & the lining fabric such that the right-sides are facing OUT (a little confusing, but it’ll all make sense in the end). 

++ Pin the pattern onto your outer fabric & cut, so that you have two, identical stocking shapes. Repeat for the lining fabric.

++ Take your two pieces of outer fabric & stack them with the right-sides still facing IN. Then, take your two pieces of lining fabric (right-sides still facing OUT) & sandwich them around the outer fabrics. Pin the fabric stack together – which should look like it’s totally inside out.

++ Sew around the perimeter of the stocking using a zig-zag stitch, leaving about 1/4 inch of seam allowance. 

++ Flip the stocking right-side out (so the outer fabrics should now be on the outside with lining fabrics on the inside) & fold the top down to expose however much of the fuzzy fabric you’d like.

++ Cut & fold your ribbon/thick fabric into a sturdy loop, then stitch it onto the top corner of the stocking to create a hanger.

++ And finally, if you want to puff-paint names onto each for an extra personal touch, feel free! Or else just hang & admire a darkly festive job well done.

DIY Christmas stockings
skull and roses ouija board

What are some of your favorite twists on tradition?



Beware, misfits, the terrifying truth is real –

It’s Kevin here to remind you there’s less than two (I repeat, TWO) weeks left before it’s time to light the Yule log & ring in the Winter Solstice! Which also means there’s only a mere two weeks left to prepare for all of the chaos that traditionally comes with Christmas / Hanukkah gatherings as well.

But – if chaos for Christmas happens to be on your wishlist (you know, in an innocent, voyeuristic kind of way), then here’s a list of our top holiday horror movies that are sure to keep you up all night:

Krampus (2015)

Anyone who grows up believing in Santa knows there’s nothing scarier than ending up on his “naughty” list. And if you ask us, it’s this very fear that’s never been more cleverly captured in such a funny & horrifying way than in Michael Dougherty’s Christmas classic, Krampus.  

When a dysfunctional family’s bickering & fighting causes a young boy to basically say “screw Christmas,” he unknowingly unleashes an ancient evil entity in the form of Father Christmas…but not. Think more like the antithesis of ol’ Santa, one that comes to punish & abduct bad boys, girls – & adults, too.

Featuring a hilarious cast, themes of selflessness & sacrifice, plus some pretty damn scary Christmas-themed demons, this is a must watch for any true horror fan this Christmas.

Black Christmas (1974)

It’s the beginning of winter break for a group of sorority sisters when they begin to receive disturbing phone calls…& then bodies begin to pile up.  

Considered to be one of the first (yet lesser known) slasher films, this movie is most often remembered for its creative kills just as much as its creepy ending. But it also went on to inspire another little holiday horror classic known as John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978), a less than stellar remake in the 2000s & another remake released just YESTERDAY, on Friday the 13th.  

So if you have any interest in catching the new film, why not first give the O.G. a revisit?

Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

Now, what exactly happens when a young boy watches his parents get murdered by a madman in a Santa suit? Well, apparently there’s a good chance he becomes a tormented, yet bizarrely handsome young man who ultimately snaps on Christmas Eve to don a Santa suit & wage a bloody war on innocent people. As told by this wacky, gory & laughably bad (but great but still bad) cult classic.  

As we all may or may not remember, it was this Christmas Evil-rip off that famously brought the hate & ire of middle-class ’80s parents due to TV ads & posters depicting killer Santa swinging an axe (who knew he was so ahead of his time?)! So if culty, campy & crazy suits your fancy, then most def give this B-movie a look-see.  

Better Watch Out (2016)

Did you ever watch Home Alone & think that in some ways it was pretty horrifying? Seriously, we’re talking home invasion, a child being tormented & neglected by his parents, copious amounts of physical violence, & let’s not forget – that scary AF furnace in the basement.  

With this perspective in mind, the creators of Better Watch Out were able to present a smart & subversive take on the ‘90s classic (& not to mention, some of its now-famous tropes). But more over, Better Watch Out is fueled by excellent performances by its two leads & ultimately becomes a poignant social commentary on pre-teen violence & toxic masculinity.  

So all in all, this is a fun one for the “woke” crowd just as much as the gore & horror hounds. But, in a way that’s effective, entertaining & surprisingly not obnoxious (despite what I know you’re surely thinking).

Gremlins (1984)

Ah, the movie that shows us what it would look like if Roger Corman directed a Frank Capra story.  

One part It’s a Wonderful Life & one part midnight creature-feature, this timeless Christmas treasure never seems to get old. Each year new children are delighted to meet the adorable little Mogwai known as Gizmo, only to be horrified shortly thereafter by what pops out of him when he’s mishandled.  

Hands down, it has some of the best practical puppet effects of any monster movie to date. So if you’re looking for a fun & scary movie for the whole family this Christmas, there’s no reason to not revisit this timeless classic.

A Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

If you’ve ever set foot inside a Hot Topic, then you know the slew of merchandise based on this beloved, stop-motion musical masterpiece. And while the great debate continues over whether it’s ~technically~ a Halloween versus Christmas movie, there’s never a wrong time to journey back to Halloween Town. 

Watching Jack Skellington & his ghoulish friends try to deliver a macabre Christmas to the rest of the world, only to discover that Santa’s boots are a lot harder to fill than it looks – it truly never gets old. And with a musical score that will forever resonate in your head for days, this is a must-watch for any gothling at heart who’s looking to bring a little spooky into their holiday season.  

We all know that Christmas can get a little overwhelming, but these movies are a sure-fire way to bring a touch of horror-fun into the mix this Yuletide season.  

So stay scarier than the dark, friends! And happy holidays to you, all my msft party people.  



OK, today we’re dishing out some major holiday inspo.

It all started back at Thanksgiving when my grandma mentioned something about infusing apple cider with Red Hots. You know, like those spicy little cinnamon candies from a few decades back.

Excuse me, WHAT?

Of course, she was talking about apple cider for the sake of apple cider, but my mind instantly went to one thing & one thing only: mulled wine!

Now, I’m definitely not so much of a red wine person. Never have been & don’t think I ever really will be. Although this year I was introduced to the great wide (& uber cozy) world of reds mulled with a warm, yummy spice squad of flavors that comprise everything there is to love about the holiday season.

So there it was! No questions asked. The experiment was born, & luckily the concoction turned out amazingly well. So well, in fact, that it felt criminal to keep all to ourselves.

mulled wine recipe

The only problem was, Red Hots are stunningly hard to find (who knew!!). You see Hot Tamales left & right (those chewy imposters), but Red Hots? You’re better off searching for Bigfoot.

However, what you can find are some little things called “Cinnamon Imperials”, which – despite your hesitation – definitely work just as well.

So since you can only roast so many damn Chestnuts on an open fire, it’s time to crank up the stove & hop to on making a batch of this gloriously delicious stuff.


((yields ~ 8 servings))

+ 1 bottle your choice of dry red wine (we used a Cab)

+ 4 c apple cider

+ 2 small oranges (one juiced & zested)

+ 3 to 4 T maple syrup (or honey)

+ 2 cinnamon sticks

+ 8 – 10 (or so) whole cloves

+ 1 T fresh, grated ginger

+ A hefty handful of Red Hots (or Cinnamon Imperials)

+ (Optional) a splash of your favorite whisk(e)y, brandy or port

cinnamon clove ginger orange
Trader Joe's red wine

// WHAT TO DO //

++ Combine all of the ingredients into a large pot & bring to a low, slow boil.

++ RIGHT when it starts to ~lightly~ boil, turn down the heat & carefully simmer for at least 20 minutes, stirring regularly.

Nessie ladle

Using a Nessie ladle obviously makes it taste a lot better, too

((Side note: my grandma recommended filling a coffee maker with Red Hots in the basket & apple cider in the machine, then literally BREWING IT TOGETHER. Still trying to figure out if that’s genius or just a mess – so we decided to stick with the old-fashioned way for now…))

++ Make sure all of the candies & spices (sans cinna sticks) completely dissolve. Then if you want to be an Alton Brown perfectionist, strain the mulled wine & pour it all back into the pot to continue warming (or just leave as is).

++ After the initial 20 minutes, feel free to serve up! Or keep on lowww (not boiling) for however long you need.

++ Just for fun, you can also pour in a splash of the whisk(e)y, brandy or port before doling out the wine.

Mulled Wine Recipe

As per ushe, mulled wine is also one of those things you can totally customize to your own taste. So feel free to swap in or add whatever other spices suit your fancy (& inevitably will already have a place in your kitchen this Yule for pies on pies on pies)!

Because any which way you do it, I guarantee this is one drink that won’t EVER let you down.



aaaaaaand WE’RE BACK. 

This Thanksgiving entailed a little bit of a digital detox, but now we’re back at it! Energized, enthusiastic & not to mention, totally FREAKING OUT over tonight’s season 18 premiere of arguably (not arguably) one of the best competition TV shows out there: Project Runway

It’s crazy to think, but PR has now been a staple in the reality scene for the last f i f t e e n years. In fact, almost to the date! And while we’ve totally been here for all the trips to Mood, late-night pep talks, jaw-dropping non-traditional material challenges and NYFW debuts, there’s no denying it’s been ~a journey~. 

But despite the hops from Parsons to the CFDA, Michael to Zac to Brandon, NYC to LA (…then thankfully back to NYC), & a bunch of spinoffs in the process, earlier this year marked its EPIC for real, for real return.

Back to its roots. Back to its original Bravo home. Project Runway proved that it was not only back in business, but returning with a ferociously fierce vengeance while at it.

And we COULD NOT be more obsessed.

Project Runway Season 18 judges

Image Source

Now, of course there’s never enough love that can be shown for long-time hosts, style icons, master mentors & everything else Tim Gunn & Heidi Klum. So when the news broke that neither one of them would be returning to the runway for season 17, minds were blown. We’re talking HUGE shoes that had to be filled after 16 smashing seasons, so who could possibly be up for THAT kind of challenge?!

But – once season four champion-turned-iconic, world-renown designer Christian Siriano x supermodel entrepreneur, coder & all-around badass Karlie Kloss stepped up to the plate, it was clear. From the very first episode, we knew. It was no small feat – but these two? They were it. 

Especially alongside the slightly shaken up roster of judges Nina Garcia (the only OG), fashion designer Brandon Maxwell & former Teen Vogue Editor-In-Chief Elaine Welteroth, it just all worked so well.

Mainly because Project Runway is not just any reality show.

You have real-deal industry icons that seem like they genuinely want to see each & every one of the contestants succeed, grow & learn as fashion designers as well as people. So that combined with the roller coasters of highs, lows, feedback & emotions you see behind the whole creative process, it’s about so much more than your typical reality show spats, drama & glaring artificiality. 

Even though it is Bravo (much like our other fave MDLNY), the show at its core is about channeling inspiration, refining your natural talents & encouraging others in a way that’s so heart-warmingly authentic. Which is where I begin to sob.

And we haven’t even gotten to the five-star fab roster of designers last season had, too! Sebastian, Garo, Bishme, MSFT icon Hester (which will be a whole other post in & of itself)…you know when you get invested in a competition show & think ‘how could next season’s personalities possibly top this group?’ That was such the case for me with this crew.

Project Runway season 17 finalists Hester Sunshine Garo Sparo Sebastian Grey

The season 17 finalists – Image Source

But all in all after re-falling in love with the franchise last season, we could not be any more ready for what this one has in store. So if you fell off the wagon long ago, or maybe haven’t even seen an episode in the first place, I’d highly recommend giving it a whirl.

Either way, you’ll be seeing be many, many more musings about it.

Until then, auf wiedersehen…


((images within feature image from



That’s the main idea I ran with for this latest accessory fresh off the line (read: my dining room table) for winter. It’s part scarf, part shawl – with a hint of steampunk, meets early 2000s Tripp pants, meets…those IKEA rug capes that Jon & his Night’s Watch bros donned over at The Wall in Game of Thrones.

Faux fur scarf

Perhaps a combo you never would have dreamed, but here we are! And it’s amazing.

Much like our chain cape necklaces, I’m all about the subtle, industrial-chic accessories. Sure, jewelry is cool, but can it turn plain shirts, sweaters & more into whole new statement pieces? Not so much.

So this is one that truly delivers.

Another little confession time tidbit for ya: despite trying & trying (& trying & trying…), I’m part of the 0.1% who never could fully get onboard with the whole GOT obsession. BLASPHEMY some might say. Believe me, I’ve heard it. Although hype wars aside, there’s no denying some of the fashion was pretty on point.

Especially those incredibly repurposed, super thrifty, IKEA rug capes.

Snaps for you, HBO.


+ 1/3 yard of faux fur fabric

+ 1/3 yard of lining fabric (poly-satin works great)

+ Two pieces of 1/2” grommet/eyelet tape, each cut 18 inches long (adjusted to your own torso measurements, if needed)

+ Two 1/2” swivel hooks & one matching D-ring

+ One 3” piece of black elastic (1/2” wide)

+ Needle & heavy-duty thread

+ Sewing pins

Black goth steampunk fabric

// STEPS //

++ Cut your faux fur into a strip approximately 40 inches long by 6.5 inches wide (NOTE: unless you’re in the market for a fur storm, push the pile to the sides as you make small snips down the middle of the split to minimize shedding).

++ Cut/round off the top corners of the fur so its final shape matches the graphic below (adjusting to your own measurements, if needed).

((hopefully my precious little graphic isn’t too confusing!))

++ Flip the fur over so that the wrong side is facing up. Lay the lining fabric on top & begin pinning it to the fur, leaving one to two extra inches of lining sticking out past the edges. 

++ Trim off any excess lining fabric beyond those one to two extra inches, remove the pins & flip both of your fabric pieces over so that the right sides are facing each other. 

++ Re-pin the two fabrics together & make sure to keep all faux fur strands around the edges tucked inside. That way, we can fluff it all out later, as opposed to it getting stuck inside the stitches.

++ Fold the strip of elastic in half, stick it through the D-ring & fold in half again. You should now have four layers total with the D-ring sandwiched in the middle.

++ Pin the elastic/D-ring into place (again, check out the graphic) so that it will stick out of the back once we turn the finished scarf right-side out.

++ Use a sewing machine to sew along the two long edges, leaving the curved ends un-sewn for now (this helps prevent the lining from sliding around & getting mind-numbingly messed up). Remember to keep the fur strands tucked in as you go.

++ Sew along the edge of one of the rounded ends to close it up, then flip the scarf right-side out. Ensure all looks good & if so, carefully hand-stitch the other end closed.

++ Fold one piece of the grommet tape around the swivel hook and straight stitch it into place. Clip the swivel hook onto the D-ring & put on the scarf. Follow the grommet tape (making sure it doesn’t twist) to the outer edge of one of the scarf’s ends & pin it wherever feels most comfortable to you. 

++ Straight stitch (or hand-stitch) the tape into place & repeat for the other grommet tape/swivel hook set on the other side.

Steampunk fashion scarf
DIY goth steampunk accessories
Grommet tape

Pretty please share if there’s something crazy you’ve ever repurposed into gold!

And in the meantime – stay warm, frost kittens…
