Teens in 2000 to 2009: IT’S NOT A PHASE, MOM

2019: … *Spotify Year In Review is filled with all the same music*

Regardless if you’re one to still let your freak flag aesthetically fly, or keep it reined in to your playlists & choice of nail polish, the fact is we’re in exceptionally good (& large!) company when it comes to the roster of current- & former-goths.

Hopping onto the bandwagon for shallow reasons was always one thing, but I am a HUGE believer that any genuine alternative “phase” (not a phase) is something that potentially sticks with you forever. 

Time is a thing. So eventually you grow out of the angsty teenage years, set sail into the workforce, evolve your style & may or may decide to bring the aesthetic along with you. But even if you trade in your blue hair for blowouts, & industrial dancing cred for an ergonomic office chair, it doesn’t mean that part of you doesn’t continue to play a role.

Way back when in those god-awful grade-school years, we were all drawn to whatever scene for a reason. Whether it was the music, the movies, the themes or philosophies held by its people, there were crystal-clear reasons why your little black sheep heart chose the pop-cultural path it did. And here you are, metamorphosed into the slightly less fledgling of a freak that stands today!

No doubt, it’s been a wild ride. Although I think it’s important to stay true to & relish in the things you KNOW have always stuck near & dear to your heart. No matter when you discovered them…& no matter what type of highly questionable hairstyle you inevitably sported at the time (did I mention we’ve all teeth-clenchingly been there?).

Which is why my rant is officially over & it’s now time to remember that celebrities are hilariously no different. 

Seriously! When you think “goth” celebs, of course there’s Kelly, Winona, Taylor Momsen – you know, the ~obvious~ suspects who’ve never fully abandoned their dark-friendly looks. Then, there are the A-listers like Taylor Swift who have ONE old MySpace picture with dark hair that the Internet freaks out about & claims it was a “it’s not a phase, mom” phase. Ugh, insane. 

BUT those aside, I wanted to pull the curtain back on a few of the more unsuspecting peeps. Like the ones you never would have guessed they took their looks to the dark side at one point or another.

Because as I mentioned, we’ve all teeth-clenchingly been there !!!

So let’s begin:


Christina Hendricks goth

Image Source

Office Manager of a 1960s ad agency is a bit of a pivot from the obligatory brooding-teen-goth-in-the-woods pic, but hey, she undoubtably rocked it! From Mad Men to Good Girls, to one of the voices in Toy Story 4 (none of which I’ve actually seen but a lot of people seem to like !) Christina Hendricks has definitely come a long way from her jet black-laden days.


Elizabeth Hurley goth punk

Image Source

Definitely a punk if there ever was one, Elizabeth Hurley spent quite a time raging against the cultural grain, without question. Of course, we all know the British bombshell from The Royals, Austin Powers & ~most importantly~ Gossip Girl, but before her modeling debut, she was all about this bold, badass & gravity-defying look.


Melissa McCarthy goth young high school

Image Source

So even though Melissa McCarthy somehow went from cheerleader to mega-goth overnight, we have to at least give her props for some apparently major commitment. According to her husband & fellow actor/comedian Ben Falcone, the Gilmore Girls & Bridesmaids alumna donned a “really scary” kabuki-makeup/blue-hair/black-coat-in-the-summer situation throughout some of her high school years. So wish we had a pic of that!


Cate Blanchett goth punk young

Image Source

Who doesn’t love a gal with a good buzz cut, am I right? Probably taking the cake of most unrecognizable is the too-many-roles-to-count superstar Cate Blanchett. Citing her pale skin as one of the biggest things she celebrated during the time (girl, we feel), she proudly represented the Aussie goths & now has a million prestigious acting awards to show for it.


Andrew Yang goth young high school

Image Source

And arguably one of the most surprising of them all, the prez candidate himself- Andrew Yang. Revealing his truth as a full-on “ex-goth” via Twitter earlier in 2019, he included his fave bands of the time & a few pics of the long(ish), greasy hair. A few months later another pic surfaced showing a pretty hefty dose of guyliner as well. But apparently that one was just a Halloween costume.

Embarrassing baby goth photos = SO much to love.

We wouldn’t be where we are now without them. So what’s the best-worst fashion memory you have?

Mine was definitely the great “scene hair” pandemic of 2009…


((additional feature image source))


Is anyone else still trying to catch up from the holidays, or is it just me?

Ugh, seriously. It’s great. It’s fun. Wouldn’t trade it for the world, but MAN – routines sure do get messed up. Which is why it’s January & I’m ~just now~ getting around to posting about yet another timeless, top winter tradition: HOMEMADE CHEX MIX!

Best chex mix recipe

((even though it’s totally fitting any day of the year))

It all started back five, six…maybe seven years ago when I launched into the ultimate mental quest to come up with the perfect little holiday gesture for friends, the fam & neighbors. Of course there’s always cookies & chocolate, but everyone already has enough of that come this time of year (I guess from all of the other people trying to come up with the perfect little holiday gesture, too?). 

So if we’re not going sweet, then all roads clearly lead to salty…which means figuring out how to make what’s only the most rich, delicious & supremely perfect bar/party/alone-in-your-bed-at-3AM snack ever. And we did it! So now we share.

Because hello, the world NEEDS Chex Mix. And we aren’t monsters…


+ 2.5 c corn Chex

+ 2.5 c wheat Chex

+ 2 c pretzels 

+ 1/2 c Goldfish (or other cheese cracker)

+ 1/2 c raw almonds 

+ 4 T butter (or Earth Balance for all my vegan peeps)

+ 2 T Worcestershire sauce (again, could easily swap for a vegan version)

+ 1-2 T hot sauce

+ 1 T chile-garlic sauce (optional but GREAT)

+ 1 T seasoned salt

+ 1 t granulated garlic

+ 1/2 t granulated onion

+ dashes of black pepper, chile powder, cayenne

// WHAT TO DO //

++ Combine the Chex, pretzels, Goldfish & almonds in a large (& I mean large) mixing bowl. Then, line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil & start preheating the oven to 250ºF.

Party snacks

++ Melt the butter on the stovetop or in the microwave & mix in all of the sauces & spices.

++ Pour the delicious butter/sauce/spice mix over the dry ingredients & gently stir until everything is coated.

++ Pour the coated mix onto the baking sheet & spread it out to get as thin of a layer as possible.

++ Bake in the oven for one hour & 15 minutes, stirring the mix every 15 minutes.

++ Remove from the oven & let cool for about 15 additional minutes.

game day recipes

Now, if you’re planning to keep it all to yourself, then simply Tupperware it up & try to resist engulfing the whole batch in one sitting. But if it’s a gift, then you can trick out some easy-to-find (& super cheap!) glass jars with a customized tag, some ribbon & hot-glued trim all the around…

Like this FAUX FURRY TRIM we scored this past year in festively chic emerald & ruby colors!

DIY Christmas gift

Yes, our neighborhood was probably a little confused to find an army of furry jars filled with snacks descend upon their front porches, but hey, that’s the fun, right?



For horror nerds, this past week marked a much-anticipated end to an agonizing wait.  

It’s been two years since Andy Muschietti’s IT (2017) floated into our hearts – and nightmares. Especially since it also went on to become the highest grossing horror film of all time after dethroning the then-long-reigning champion, The Exorcist.  But for many (me included), the recent release of It: Chapter Two marks an even longer awaited milestone.  Like a comet passing Earth or cryptid encounter – this is a rarely seen event: an actually accurate adaptation of a Stephen King story.  

Please, please, please – Hollywood – don’t fuck this part up!

Image Source: IMDB/Brooke Palmer/Warner Brothers Entertainment

It’s obvious that even the most casual horror fan remembers the beloved IT made-for-TV miniseries from 1990 that has become a cult favorite.  And while that adaptation was an honorable attempt to tell the 1,300-page horror opus, the fact that the ABC network produced and broadcasted the two-night event pretty well guaranteed that many of the darker, violent, and more sexual elements of the story wouldn’t make the cut.  

Now, don’t get me wrong – Tim Curry as Pennywise will never be forgotten.  At the very least, that element of terror from King’s story was definitely retained in the miniseries.  Hell, it’s the biggest thing most horror fans remember about it! How badass his take on the infamous dancing clown truly is.  

Tim Curry as Pennywise | Image Source: IMDB/Warner Brothers Television/ABC

But when it comes to anyone that’s read the book, it’s a little different. Those readers don’t walk away from the ending only retaining the scary parts—they remember the Losers. They remember all the heart that King poured into his prose, literally hundreds of pages developing the soul-bonds of the Losers.  Bonds that made them magical.  Magical enough to defeat “The Eater of Worlds”.   

Twice, technically.  

These kids become your friends. Because these kids become you. Each one a reflection of real-life childhood love, fear, aspirations, and trauma that each one of us can relate to. And to their credit, the young adult cast from the ‘90s version is incredible.  Honestly, both adaptations nailed the first, adolescent-focused timeline; but in regard to the OG miniseries, its portions featuring the adults unfortunately seemed to fall flat in a lot of people’s eyes.  

Well, almost all of the adults.

Point being when it comes to telling the latter part of Bill, Bev, Ben, Richie, Eddie, Mike and Stan’s story, the struggle has always been real.  Since in the book – things get…weird.  

Like real weird.  On a cosmic/mystic level.  

So viewers who only know the story from watching the miniseries probably don’t know how meta King really gets. Which makes any kind of authentic adaptation for the masses damn-near impossible.  

Although, that’s what separates Muschietti’s films from other Stephen King remakes of the past.  

IT has never really had an accurate cinematic telling.  And I can already hear the outcry from the T.C. Pennywise fans, but we – the horror community – needed this!  We pined for Chapter Two to not only be weird (I’m talking Ritual of Chud), but that it be scarier than the first film, too.  

And I’ll be damned if the movie doesn’t deliver on all of these points.  

Image Source: Twitter

In the same way that Chapter One’s cast made the world fall in love with the young Losers’ Club, Chapter Two only reinforces that affection.  Seriously, the adult cast could not have done a better job of honoring their younger counterparts as well as the characters from the original page. 

And this is why the Muschietti films just might be the best Stephen King adaptation to date.  I know – bold words.  But anyone who doesn’t identify as a “Constant Reader” probably won’t know the author’s deep, dark secret…

The King of Horror is a great, big softy. (If you don’t believe me, just check out his Instagram).  

A sweet-hearted nerd with a passion for standing up against bullies of all shapes, sizes and Lovecraftian form.  This truth is something that Hollywood sadly doesn’t always capture; and instead, just milks the creepy while skipping the heart and soul. (I’m looking at you Dreamcatcher!)

Though to be fair, Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption are beloved by the mainstream; however, neither are particularly horrific in their plot.  Dark?  For sure. But not night sweat-inducing by any means.  

But IT… 

IT is different.  If any one book of his could be used to describe his entire thematic life’s work, IT could easily be the top contender. The imagery is true stuff of horror: children being eaten alive by a shapeshifting monster with a million-year-old backstory.  Jeez, that’s hardcore.  And on the flip side, the prose equally captures the joy of life-long friendships, the pain of navigating young adulthood and how some of that trauma can sometimes haunt us long into adulthood. Whether we realize it or not.

Embed from Getty Images

Which is why, regardless of the Rotten Tomato score or the number of IMDB stars the movie ultimately ends up with, Andy Muschietti and his creative team should be proud. IT: Chapter Two successfully walks a razor-sharp tight rope between these contrasting emotional elements from King’s novel, quite possibly making it the most successful Stephen King film to-date.  

You’ll scream, you’ll laugh, and you’ll cry.  But honestly, what more could you ask for from the film version of the greatest horror novel of all time? 

Although just to be safe, I still wouldn’t watch it alone.


(((Feature Image Source: IMDB/Warner Brothers Entertainment/New Line)))



Woah…simmering down. What I actually meant to say is happy September, my party people! 

It’s crazy to think that our fun-in-the-sun weather has already come and gone. Though with that it’s only natural we say sayonara to summer, and most importantly, usher in the fall-filled, only-55-days-until-Halloween kind of vibes.

But since we’ll all be wishing for warmer temps come the onslaught of snow (& for the West Coast- anything below 70 degrees) soon enough, it’s also fair we give this sunny season the worthy farewell it deserves. Which means concocting something fresh out of a British millennial’s dreams, obviously.

That’s right, I’m talking about White Claw SCONES!

In addition to all the seltzer-hounding bros out there, inspiration for this recipe came from the patron saint of sandwich finesse himself: Chef Jeff Mauro! One morning while watching my lifeblood (A.K.A. Food Network’s The Kitchen), Jeff totally dropped the mic when he intro’ed the concept of scones made with Prosecco. Revolutionary – I know, I know.

So in the shadows of this year’s scorching #HotGirlSummer, the idea came to me like a prophecy. Instead of stopping at just Prosecco, why not go for the gold—the WHITE CLAW gold. 

After all, there ain’t no laws when you’re drinking claws, right? (Edit: no)

(There are definitely still laws)

Jokes aside, this combo is fire. Seriously, 7-Up biscuits are a totally fine start; but why not go even further with replacing some of our baking liquid with the crisp, bubbly goodness the world has randomly just now discovered? 

So whether it’s a DIY brunch or something to tag-team with your morning coffee, you’ll find these flaky babies are about to become your new go-to treat.


++ Preheat your oven to 400℉ to make sure it’s nice and hot, then line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set it to the side.

++ Place the cubed butter into the freezer for a few minutes before you start the dough. (Just like pastry dough, keeping your ingredients super cold will make for exceptionally flaky scones – I even popped my White Claw in the freezer, too)

++ Meanwhile, chop up your blackberries and leave no piece of lime unzested.

++ In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder and mix with a wooden spoon.

++ Remove the chilled butter from the freezer and add it to the dry ingredients. Cut the butter into the dry mix using a pastry blender (or two forks) until it’s about the size of a peas.

++ In a separate bowl, add the buttermilk, White Claw, vanilla extract and splash of heavy cream (only if you already have it) and whisk together. Then, ((gradually)) add the wet ingredients to the dry. Add the chopped blackberries, lime zest, splash of lime juice and pinch of white pepper, then ((carefully)) fold it all in. 

++ Your dough should quickly start to come together, but if you find it to be too dry, add additional touches of White Claw. BUT ALSO FIRST PLEASE NOTE this is a critical step—you do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to overwork your dough or add too much liquid. Scone dough should be on the drier side, rather than wet and sticky. 

((For this round, I accidentally got heavy handed with the additional White Claw. But I promise, it wasn’t on purpose – so I won’t tell if you don’t))

++ Once the dough is an optimum consistency, plop it onto a lightly floured cutting board and delicately roll it out into a circle. About 1 to 1.5 inches thick. Cut into 8 triangles and place each on the parchment-lined baking sheet.

++ Bake for 16 to 18 minutes until delectably golden brown. Then remove and let cool on a wire rack for a few minutes before enveloping.

Now, the other best part of this recipe is that you can also completely customize it to your favorite flavor!  I’m thinking black cherry/dark chocolate & vanilla, mango/white chocolate & mint, raspberry/lemon & lavender and grapefruit/ginger & a pinch of cayenne. The possibilities are truly endless.

(Just never mind the current nationwide shortage)

But either way, this is where we end things in the only way that feels right: Yee Claw!

Enjoy xxAA


Hellooooo from Texas!

For this latest installment of recipes we’re newly obsessed with, I’m coming to you live (well, sort of) from our homelands of the Lone Star State.

It’s crazy to think it’s been almost four years since finishing school and kickstarting a new chapter in sunny Los Angeles, but I guess that’s why they always say time is good at flying.

OK, but enough about that – it’s onto the main event. Our Hatch Chile Sausage TART!

Now, admittedly I’m relatively ~new~ to the tart scene. I’ve baked several pies for office contests and made plenty of warm, flaky biscuits, too. So taking those skills to the ring of tart creation feels like the next logical step. Right? And this one you won’t want to skip out on, guaranteed. Mainly thanks to all of the Hatch Chile goodness inside. 

I guess it was Andy Williams that always said Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. But if you ask me? I think Hatch Chile season is a pretty solid contender for second. Sauces, breads, cheese, chocolate—you name it, there’s a hatch version of it. And while all of these products are fantastic on their own, subbing Hatch varieties of our run-of-the-mill fave ingredients can take so many recipes to a mind-b l o w i n g next level.

So without further ado, here we go on this year’s Hatch-infused adventure!

OK also – if you just want to use a pre-made crust (and by all means, we totally understand that sane and practical decision), then you can totally skip ahead in the recipe below. But if you want to roll out the red carpet for god-knows whatever reason like me, then prepare for the buttery ride of your life!


++ Cut the butter into small cubes, then place in a bowl and set inside the freezer for about 20 minutes. (Keeping everything cold is key)

++ Meanwhile, stir the flour, sugar and salt together in a large mixing bowl.

++ After the butter chills, add it to the mixing bowl as well. 

Did I mention I was at my parents’? Hello Melamine bowl from the ’50s…

++ Cut the butter into the dry mix using a pastry cutter (or two forks, or a food processor) until flour is coated and approximately the size of a pea.

++ Take your ice (ice-baby) cold water and stir into the mixture about 2 tablespoons at a time. You’ll see the dough start to stick together and want to continue adding until it comes together like a dough – sticky, but not crazy moist.

++ Once you have a full-fledged ball of dough, place it on a lightly floured cutting board and gently fold some additional flour into the dough. Form the dough into a ball, flatten the ball into a disk (maybe an inch or so thick), wrap it in plastic and throw it into the fridge to chill! About two hours – at least.


++ Once you’re ready to shape your tart, retrieve the dough from the fridge and place it back onto the floured cutting board. Slowly and steadily, roll it out with a rolling pin starting from the center, working your way out. Continue adding flour as needed to prevent sticking, and remember that periodically rotating the dough can help to get an even thickness all the way around.

++ As soon as you see the dough is big enough to fit your tart pan (mine was 11 inches), carefully (((carefully))) lift your dough and place in the pan. Gently press your dough to fit the pan’s form.

++ When the dough is entirely shaped, use a paring knife to slice off the extra edges around the top so it fits the pan’s form just right. But don’t get ahead of yourself – stash the extra dough on the side…

++ For any sections of the outer crust that you notice might be thinner than the rest, tear off and press some of the extra dough into these areas so that you have an even thickness around the entire circumference.

++ Once it’s good to go, wrap the entire, superbly shaped crust in plastic once again to chill in the refrigerator for another at least 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400℉ (or 375 if using a convection oven).


++ OK, it’s go time! Take your freshly chilled crust, unwrap it, gently place a piece of parchment paper over the top and fill the crust with pie weights (or dried beans, pennies, and whatever else the Internet says is a worthy sub to prevent bubbles and shrinkage).

++ Place it into the preheated oven to bake for about 15 minutes. Then, remove the parchment paper and weights, use a fork to stab a few holes in the base to allow for air release and return it to the oven.

++ Since we’re only partially blind-baking the crust (for future reference, this guide is a life-saving resource), let it go for another 8 or so minutes, just until it starts to brown. Remove from oven and let C O O L. 

++ Bump the oven temp down about 25 degrees.


++ We need to make the filling! Granted, this could easily be done in advance to save some time (and potential anxiety) whilst marathoning the epic dough, but it’s all totally up to you. 

++ Take the sausage out of its casing and brown in a skillet over medium heat until it’s cooked through. Use a slotted spoon to remove the meat and place it into a large bowl. Add the diced tomato, cheese, garlic, parsley, salt ‘n’ peppa to the large bowl.

++ In another bowl, whisk the eggs, cream and splash of milk together; then add this mix to the sausage mix and stir them both together well. 


++ Once the crust is relatively cool to the touch, use a slotted spoon to scoop the filling into the crust. Once you have the entire sausage/tomato mix spread evenly in the pan, carefully pour the remaining liquid, stopping just shy of it overflowing.

++ Return the filled crust back to the oven (uncovered) for about 15 to 20 minutes, until the crust is golden brown and the eggs in the filling are set.

++ Carefully remove the tart from the oven and let it cool for about 10 minutes before slicing.

Buttery, flaky, spicy…and kind of amazingly reminiscent of pizza – this is one tart that’s sure to wow.

Just be sure to watch your fingers when devouring.



To all the misfits and mystics;

Oddballs and outcasts; 

Freaks, geeks, goths and punks;

Star seeds, old souls, boundary-pushers and ragers against the grain.

To anyone who’s ever felt out of place in your place: hello! And welcome home.

A home of culture and creativity infused with unconventional design and inspiration, now officially known as MSFT Living.

And we have to admit, it’s been a pretty long time in the making. But to finally be launched, live and ready to thrive – we couldn’t be more thrilled to have you all along for the wild ride.
