Cute black cat

As of today, it’s officially been two whole years since this crazy little maniac splashed her way into our lives. So naturally, we had to celebrate the occasion in style!

Brunch style, to be exact.

After some epic menu planning, vibe coordinating & purchasing a LOT of cheap champagne, the Cheriversary brunch bash was born. And I have to say, it turned out to be prettty epic.

Even though I’m obsessed with the idea of entertaining (past life experience, I’m sure), I honestly haven’t yet had a ton of opportunities to throw ~bigger deal~ get-togethers of my own. So despite having to exercise self-restraint at every turn (i.e. no metallic balloons that spelled out “CHER”), it was major fun figuring out how to orchestrate a five-star fab gathering- while also not breaking the bank.

Sure, a bottomless pocketbook is nice, but getting creative is where all the fun is anyway. So we’re here to discuss some of the tips & tricks that helped make this mission possible:


thrifty mimosa bar orange juice cranberry juice limeade

Who doesn’t love a good mimosa bar? Monsters, that’s who. When it comes to hosting, no matter how big or small, mimosas are ALWAYS a fantastic option. You can go however all out or reined in you’d like in terms of selection, and they can be relatively inexpensive, too!

((if you’re down for J. Roget))

For this round, I filled glass carafes (s/o to the 99-cent store) with orange, cranberry & limeade juices plus fresh mint & insanely thin-sliced jalapeños for garnish. With so many fun juices available nowadays, they’re super fun to play around with. Although, if you get a little turned off by how concentrated & sugary some of them can get, I always like to have sparkling flavored water on hand to help cut it. Extra flavor, a few less calories- it’s a win-win.


Everything bagel and lox crostinis

The original idea was to use bagel chips. But news flash: BAGEL CHIPS ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND. In Burbank, at least. Who knew. Though luckily these garlic butter-drenched crostini’s flew in to save the day, & it totally worked just the same. 

Topped with whipped cream cheese, some slices of TJ’s smoked salmon, slivers of red onion, a caper & everything bagel seasoning…in the words of Rachel Zoe: I die. We die. Ugh, so good.


Hashbrown breakfast cups

And speaking of Trader Joe’s, I swear they have the BEST frozen tots. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a fact. So sticking two of them into each pit of a mini muffin tin to bake for ten minutes, then squishing them into cups topped with sausage &/or cheese to finish baking for another ten was next-level. Plain & simple.


Mini ramekin quiches leopard print

Two words: PRAISE MARTHA. I’ve never made quiche before, so obviously doing it for a crowd sounds like a great setting to first attempt. But with the help of OG lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, it went off without a hitch. 

Spring boarding off of this basic recipe, I customized our mini quiche moment with bacon, mushrooms, green chiles & some cheese…which will definitely linger in my dreams for the next two weeks, minimum. Coupled with these Cher-approved, leopard print, oven-safe ramekins, it was the perfect nucleus of the menu.



blood orange olive oil cake on cake stand

While I do love a good bake sesh, there was a ton of other stuff to do. So for even the most novice of bakers, an olive oil cake can do the trick! It’s fairly simple to throw together & best of all, there’s no complicated frosting job required. You basically bake it upside down, plop it out onto a cake stand (in my case, a $2 matching charger plate hot glued onto a candle stick- it worked so well) & bask in the beauty that is caramelized blood orange topping.


I thought long & hard about a glam, Pinterest-inspired fruit platter, only to remember how awkwardly expensive fruit always is. So we settled for grapes, which actually ended up being a perfect accoutrement to satisfy the brunchy craving.

Cranberry mimosa cat napkin

I mean you have graduations, birthdays, retirements, whatever. But “gotcha days”? They’re the best of them all. So even if your familiar’s anniversary isn’t anytime soon, hopefully you can get down with these tips & feel the need to go throw a brunch for them anyway.

And if there’s anything else as equally fantastically psycho you’ve ever done for your pet, please do tell.

I’m always looking for inspiration.




A day that means something to some people, and absolutely nothing to even more.

But what IS special about this particular Friday the 13th is that it’s the first one in 13 years (no joke) to fall on a full moon. The full HARVEST moon, to be exact. Crazy stuff. So for all my witchy women (& dudes) out there, this means it’s a pretty powerful time. 

SO powerful, in fact, it’s like you’re begging the goths to snap into a trance at the stroke of midnight and all pop out for a synchronized industrial dance. 

But enough about them. What this post is really about are the true stars of Friday the 13th: black cats! The precious little lunatics that’ve been the epitomal symbols of bad luck since basically ever. 

Which brings us to today’s point: how insane that actually is when you start to think about it. 

Sure sure, Google the origin stories. Read the folklore. See plenty of brainiacs through the centuries who had their various reasons for associating them with luck – sometimes good, but mostly bad. Although, to the kitties’ credit, it’s not like you’ve ever seen them care at all (A.K.A. the most “cat” move ever). 

But for the record, we’d still like to point out that for as long as pop-culture’s been alive, black cats are more often the poster characters for things like wisdom, protection and intuition. Not just your measly, one-dimensional “bad luck”. Like c’mon, let’s take some personal responsibility, people.

So much like Amber Rose & her anti-slut-shaming brigade, Cher (see below) & her people are reclaiming the notion that they’re nothing more than the face of misfortune. And to help with that, also insisted on a post that commemorates the most iconic black cats ever.

So as you prep your salt shakers, horse shoes, rabbit’s feet and furry dice for the day – let’s get into it.

Salem Saberhagen | Sabrina the Teenage Witch

We’ve touched on our love for the new Salem a la Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. But OG Salem from the ABC version is a legend – plain and simple. That sarcasm, his wit and five-star fab sense of style? There’s little to NOT adore about this guy…aside from that one time he tried to take over the world, which is what landed him this feline form in the first place. But we’ll give him a pass, because also – total cat.

Image Source | ABC | The WB

Thackery Binx | Hocus Pocus

You’d think anything to do with Halloween means getting spooked up to the extreme, but when it comes to Thackery Binx from the on-constant-rotation classic Hocus Pocus, he’s anything but! On an eternal mission to make up for his sister’s death, the 17th-century lad-turned-cat is all about bravery, determination, protection – and caution. Because seriously, when has wandering into abandoned cottages in the woods to play with ancient spell books ever turned out well for anyone? 

Walt Disney Pictures | Buena Vista Pictures

The Cat | Coraline

Another sassy stoic to say the least, “the cat” from Coraline is a great example of gifted guardian extraordinaire. With the ability to lay down all of his wisdom in the other world, the cat was always there to keep Coraline on the right path. Winding through the portals and warning her of mistakes that could have caused the end of everything, he’s hands down a familiar if there ever was one.

Image Source | Laika | Pandemonium Films | Focus Features

Willow the Squishy Cat | Instagram

Armed with more costumes than Elton John and a face that says it all, Willow the Squishy Cat is the true leading lady of Instagram. After being rescued from a less-than-stellar situation a few years back, she found her forever home…and made her viral debut as the “avoCATo” soon after.  From there, it was only a matter of time before she blew up to be the influencer she is today, now hosting meet-and-greets, slinging her own merch and of course, still keeping her costume game on point. 

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Hamburglar! 🍔😭#willoween2018 #hamburglar #hairynotsoscary

A post shared by Willow (@willowthesquishycat) on

Business Cat | The Internet 

It’s sometimes hard to remember a world before memes, but in the early days when they were just about to blow up – came Business Cat. Super cute though not always easy to deal with, this boss is the boss of all bosses. That stare. The tie. Clearly, someone whose wrong side you wouldn’t want to get on. But at the end of the day? He most def knows how to get the job done. And that’s why we love him.

Image Source

Luna | Sailor Moon

We always hear about cats having nine lives, though it’s amazing how much they can manage to get done in only one! Take Luna, for example—leader of the most badass clique of galactic kitty saviors there ever was. With years of experience advising royalty of the fallen Moon Kingdom, Luna and her crew were tasked to protect and mentor the new Sailor Squad in their battles to save the solar system. And while I haven’t thought ANYTHING about this storyline in a good twenty years (or know anything about manga in general), you have to admit that all sounds equal parts insane and amazing.

Image Source

Isis | Star Trek

Now, the only thing I know less about than manga is Star Trek – BUT, it doesn’t take an expert to know that Isis the cat was one hell of an assistant. She came from another planet, could communicate telepathically, has been abducted by aliens – and is a master shapeshifter. So essentially all the same things you suspect of your cat, too!

Image Source | Norway Corporation | Paramount Television | NBC

Catwoman | Batman 

It’s hard to go wrong with most of the Catwomen throughout the years, but one thing they have in common is that utterly killer suit (ugh, seriously, would wear all of them every day!!). From the very first Batman comic in 1940 to countless movie, TV and video game appearances throughout the decades, Selina Kyle has been walking the feline-fierce edge between light and dark for almost ever. So we’ll see who will be the next lucky lady to play her in the franchise’s upcoming reboot alongside R-Batz himself.

Image Sources 1, 2 & 3 | Warner Bros. Pictures | Warner Bros. Television

Which is your fave?



For all my subliminal goth, feline fanatics out there, Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

While Cher is currently plotting her sashay across the keyboard to remind us that that’s every day in our household, we still love any excuse to celebrate the wisdom and wonder behind this greatly under-appreciated faction of the kitten squad at large.

Much to probably no one’s surprise, black cats have always held a special place in my heart; so when it comes to commemorating an occasion like this, you won’t ever have to twist my arm. But once I found out that this “holiday” was actually created to help dispel the reluctancy some people apparently have toward adopting our black, spooky and supposedly bad luck-ridden friends, I was all the more on board! If that’s even possible…

Although, because we love the fun, adorable and fascinatingly psychopathic essence that is cats SO much, it’s also hard to stop at just one type! And if you’ve been paying attention to pop-culture at all this past year, then you surely know that cats have been totally crushing it. And I mean CRUSHING it.

But whatever you do, please know I mean the actual cats of Hollywood…not the clowder of singing humanoid CGI we’re still scratching our heads over. 

Anyway – star-studded cases in point:

Salem | The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Kicking things off in true BCAD fashion, we have Salem! Who plays the stoic reinterpretation of Salem Saberhagen in Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (which is based on a comic book, based on a comic book).

Unlike the originally sassy, sarcastic, animatronic version from the ABC series we all know and worship, this Salem doesn’t talk. However, since actions speak 1,000 words, and he’s been known to swoop in and save Sabrina about that many times as well, this little guy’s talent is undeniable. 

And let’s be real, have you ever seen such a red carpet-worthy strut? 

Embed from Getty Images

Church | Pet Sematary

As for breakout actor of the year, there’s no question the award goes to Church—fuzzy staple of the remake of Stephen King’s ’80s classic Pet Sematary.

Now, part of what often makes a dramatic portrayal of the century is when actors are able to transform into someone that looks and behaves totally opposite to what they really are. So in the case of this pack of Maine Coon divas, that couldn’t be more true. Spearheading a lot of the scenes were two in particular: Tonic and Leo. And while Leo sadly passed away shortly after the film’s premiere (RIP!!!), Tonic is living his absolute best, well coiffed life. As we thankfully can keep tabs on through his fantastic Insta account.

Seriously, go follow it right now.

It’s also hard to believe that both of them are rescues, never before seen or trained for the camera. But to all of the Hollywood bigwigs out there, you best watch out for this natural who’s bound to be gracing the screen again in no time.

TONIC – Image Source

LEO – Image Source

Goose | Captain Marvel

Super heroes are currently all the rage. But when it comes to the seemingly endless cast of characters that make up the famed MCU, the true star is obviously Goose! The scene-stealing, eye-clawing, Tesseract-gobbling alien cat (spoiler alert?) who made his debut in Captain Marvel earlier this year.

For this masterful performance, we actually have a furry troupe of four to thank: Reggie, Rizzo, Gonzo and Archie. Reggie of which we saw the most since he was the “hero” cat used for most of the close-up and reaction shots. But before you go thinking these are your average stay-at-home kittens, think again! Reggie and Archie have quite the resumes themselves, previously taking the stage in Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight – with more projects inevitably on the horizon. 

Image Source

So there you have it. If there’s one thing that can somehow bring approximately 87.3% of our world together, it’s an unabashed love for these furry little murder machines we call fam.

But before you get too comfortable, don’t forget that Cat World Domination Day is just around the corner as well.
