How time flies, right?

Just when you think (hope) October would last forever, we’re already 1/6th of the way through November! You know, also known as that time of year when you blink – it’s Thanksgiving. Then walk downstairs – it’s Christmas. Lay down for a quick nap – HELLO, PRESIDENTS’ DAY MATTRESS DEALS. 

Insanity, I’m telling you.

But with the month now behind us, that also means our annual 31 for 31 horror movie fest is over. And for as tré tradge as that always is, it’s fun gathering round after the fact to debrief, reminisce and game plan for next year. Especially since this past round is going to be a pretty hard one to beat!

Between work, a little sleep and counting the days until My Chem announces their inevitable REUNION WORLD TOUR – everyone’s busy. So it’s no secret that watching 31 movies in 31 days is always a pretty tall order. But this by FAR is the best we’ve ever done! Of course, it’s not like we went in order, but any which way you put it, nothing can take away from the ghoulish gold that was this year’s selections.

Let’s review …


Last year’s marathon featured the first godfather of torture porn installment: SAW. So it only made sense that we keep rolling with the pitiless punches, considering there’s a whole lot more to this series than the average public often assumes.

If you can get over the layers of notoriously gory shock value, there’s a seriously interesting message behind the premise as a whole. Sure, you have a dude talking through a little clown puppet on a tricycle – but think of him like…an ethical boogie man. Here to put you into check when (& how) you least suspect it through some pretty gnarly lessons of gratitude and perspective. Which, even though we’re still having a few nightmares about that needle pit, there’s definitely something to be said for the chill-filled thought exercise.

And also, that soundtrack.


Yet another rendition of the classic “found footage” style, the Hell House, LLC series is far from the most quality of cinematic experiences – but it is super, SUPER fun.

All in all where these three low-budget beauties legit differ from the block-busting franchises that came before them is cohesion. Even though the jury’s still out on whether it was all actually calculated from the start, the second and third editions convincingly build upon the debut film just as much as they do each other. Which is a relatively noble feat – especially in the world of horror.

So whenever in the mood for something fun and tense, yet ominous with a few nightmare-inducing clowns to boot, then the Hell House, LLC trilogy totally has you covered.


They always say that horror and comedy are two sides of the same coin. So when it works it ~works~, as proven by two well-intentioned Hillbillies just trying to save some college kid lives.

Featuring all the people you always recognize but never remember from what, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was definitely an unexpected smash hit of the roster. It’s loaded with tons of literally laugh out loud moments, plus an ending that guarantees all the feels. And also now that we think about it, basically the same life lessons you learned from the Muppets. Just with a slightly darker, more PBR-friendly backdrop. 


The second after we finished the first Scream, I asked Kevin why I hadn’t seen this until NOW. His answer: you have to have seen a hefty dose of horror before fully appreciating the meta mastery of the franchise.

But seriously. Claiming its fame by reviving slasher vibes from the dead, Scream is obviously so much more than just the inspiration behind one of the best episodes of Boy Meets World ever. With an entire plot based around citing troupes of the genre that also happens to be the very world they live within, it makes for a super smart, self-aware and clever take on a sub-genre that was on a now-surprising verge of collapse.

In fact, it was SO great that we even replaced one of the originally slotted movies with Scream 2 – because love. And love to psycho, baby Timothy Olyphant.


I mean, need we say more? Within the grindhouse scene, pretty much everyone’s heard of Cannibal Holocaust in some shape or form. So for all the infamously graphic, anthro-audacity that comes along with the territory, it had to make its debut on the list at some point. And it did – and we’re over it.

Sure, deeper message totally gotten. But after about the fifth brutal animal slaying and 20-minute playing out of events that could have been condensed into about three, been there done that and now we’re happy to move on.


And not in a bad way!

All we’re saying is when would you have ever expected to see Ice Cube, J-Lo and Owen Wilson converge on the same screen? And in a snake-hunting, Amazonian-safari-cruising, thoroughly ’90s horror movie, no less.

Ahh, what a year. Now time to spill what horror flicks are running faves in your book!



HAPPY HALLOWEEN, my spooky party people.

The day has at last arrived, so clearly that means we had to do some supremely spooky baking to go along with it!

This time starring: ouija planchettes & crystal balls

Goth sugar cookies

You know when you’re obsessed with something, but would never actually do it? That’s how I feel about ouija boards. Obviously it’s not in a ‘wears lululemon every day yet never sets foot in a gym’ kind of way. More just like loving the look and all the old-world vibes, yet knowing it’s always best to simply NOT MESS WITH THE REALM.

With it being the end of October we’re still plowing through the 31 for 31 horror movie marathon. Which means hours of watching naive casts of characters make the absolute WORST decisions possible – including haphazardly messing with ouija boards. 

((looking at you, showboating psychic Brock Davies))

But that aside, have you ever checked them out on Etsy?? Seriously, some of them are outright works of art. And because of that, I am all about having one as decor in the house! Especially considering the rich and crazy history of spirit boards in general, it always makes for a great conversation piece. But, whatever you do…

Hide. That. Planchette. 

Because when your friends get drunk at 2AM on a Saturday and decide it’d be a ~super cool~ and ~~hilarious~~ thing to play with for the ‘Gram – you’re going to regret it. The realm doesn’t mess around (!!!)

So with all of that said, we wanted to honor the ouija with a kitschy twist. Which made cookies seem the perfect answer! And since we’re rolling with the theme of divination tools that some people swear by, whereas others laugh in the face of, crystal balls felt like a totally worthy (& uber chic) pairing, too.

Check it out!

We used our same basic, no-spread sugar cookie recipe from a few weeks back…

Only this time, with slightly more jazzed up icing.

Ouija cookies
Crystal ball cookies
spooky cute sugar cookies

Sorry trick-or-treaters, you won’t be getting any of these gems tonight.

But to everyone nonetheless, Happy Halloween!!



Mmm, there’s nothing like prancing around a pumpkin patch IN 90-DEGREE WEATHER.

Ugh. Fall, it’s normally not hard to love you, so why. WHY???

Anyway – it’s crazy to think that Halloween is already just nine short days away. And if that also means you’re running out of excuses to continue putting off that annual love/hate relationship you have with carving pumpkins, then do we have a fix for you!

Now, don’t get me wrong. Pumpkin carving is cool. I mean, I never actually did it for real for real until just a few years ago, but at the same time…there’s no denying the mess. Or the smell. Or how it feels like they’ve already rotted before you even ~really~ have time to enjoy them. 

So from all of that we came up with a solution. Something cuter, cleaner & that can still be just as creepy if you get the beady eyes right: PUMPKITTENS!

A feline fierce take on classic jack-o-lantern vibes, mini pumpkitten squads are the answer to our pleas of ornamented squash vitality. Since we’re painting instead of cutting into the pumpkins, they’re guaranteed to last loads longer. PLUS, unless you’re a regular Michael Myers with knives, this method provides way more creative control with just as much customizable potential, too!

Seriously, it wasn’t until just YESTERDAY that we finally threw away the lone survivor of last year’s crop. So especially if you’re one to consider Halloween decor as just decor, then this project is totally up your alley.


+ Mini pumpkins

+ All-purpose craft paint (black & green)

+ A very thin paintbrush 

+ A pencil 

+ Black pipe cleaners (2 per pumpkin; cut into 3.5-inch pieces)

+ Flexible black craft/jewelry wire (6 per pumpkin; cut into 1.5- to 2-inch pieces)

// STEPS //

++ Use the pencil to lightly sketch an outline of the face, including the eyes, nose & mouth.

++ With an exceptionally steady hand, first paint the green portion of the eyes. Let dry & apply a second coat.

++ Wash your brush & then paint the black portion of the eyes and outline the nose/mouth. Let dry.

++ Bend your pipe cleaners into the shape of a cat’s ear & stick them into the top of the pumpkin in an applicable, ear-like position.

++ Finally, stick half of the wire pieces on each side of the mouth & fan them out to resemble whiskers.

(NOTE: if your pumpkin(s) are unusually hard, you might need to use a toothpick, psycho ice pick or any other sharpish object to make a small, prelim puncture before sticking your pipe cleaners and/or wire into place)

And there you have it! Adorably festive (& somewhat everlasting) pumpkittens ready to usher in yet another fabulously spooky season.

Let us know how they turn out for you!



OCTOBER HAS LANDED – in case you hadn’t heard.

Meaning it’s time for fuzzy blankets, scary movies and the two official food groups of fall: soup and cookies! (though not always in that order)

But if there’s anything I’ve learned from cookie baking so far, it’s that a stand mixer is not only chic but a total game-changer…and our oven is utter trash.


I know there’s plenty of you guys out there that still rent, too. Which is fine and all – except when you get stuck with a 30-year-old oven. And I’m NOT talking about the type that’s so well made it lasts forever.

Alas, this snuggly baking season I knew something had to be done. We’ve had enough of toying with temperature and guessing how much extra time to tack onto recipes. So in true Alton Brown fashion, we finally rigged up a probe thermometer to take charge of the heat before us.

And luckily, it worked! So say hello to fall and the fun Halloween-themed recipes that come along with it. Starting with some ultra glam, amazingly cute, bat-shaped sugar cookies!

Let’s be real, bats are the true self-care icons. Avoiding daylight and hugging themselves as they sleep – I mean, talk about serious #goals. So to kick off this year’s festivities, we’re embracing that spooky sentiment AND exploring a simpler alternative to those expertly iced cookies you see all over Instagram.

Which mark my words, we’re totally working up to. But in the meantime, just making the most of sanding sugar and micro-sprinkles that still can elevate the aesthetic – no Amber Spiegel skills required.

Shall we?


++ Whisk the flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt together in a medium mixing bowl.

++ Throw the softened butter and sugar into the bowl of your stand mixer with its paddle attachment. Mix on medium-high for 3 to 5 minutes until pale, light and super fluffy (all of the air will make for incredibly soft, pillowy cookies).

++ Add the beaten egg/milk and vanilla extract to the butter/sugar and mix for another minute on medium-high.

++ Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix on a slow speed JUST until combined into a smooth dough (you do NOT want to over-mix here – unless you love tough cookies and hate fun).

++ Throw down a piece of lightly floured parchment paper and spoon half of the dough onto it. Form it into a ball and ((g e n t l y)) roll it out to a 1/4-inch thickness. Set aside.

++ Do the same thing with the other half of dough, sandwich a piece of plastic between the two, wrap it all in plastic and stick into the refrigerator to chill for at least 1 to 2 hours (& up to two days, so I’m told).

++ Once you’re ready to bake it up, preheat your oven to 350℉ and remove the two sheets of dough from the fridge.

++ Line some room-temp baking sheets with more parchment paper (time to buy stock in Reynolds?) and begin cutting your bats. If the dough sticks to the cutter, ~~carefully~~ push the shape onto the baking sheet. If it stays on the parchment paper, use a spatula to transfer it to the sheet.

++ Make sure the cookies are placed an inch or two from one another (even though they won’t spread) and bake each sheet one at a time for 9 to 11 minutes until the bats start to lightly brown around the edges (seriously, it’s WAY better to under-bake than over-bake them).

++ Remove sheet from the oven and throw in the next round. Let the cookies cool for a few minutes on the sheet, then use a spatula to transfer them to a wire rack for the ~full~ cool ahead of icing.

// THE ICING // 

PSA in advance: consistency is EVERYTHING

++ Add the powdered sugar, meringue powder and water to a medium mixing bowl and whisk by hand for about 5 minutes. (NOTE: plenty of people use a mixer for this. I personally like to do it by hand – not only for the workout – but because it gives you way more control over the sometimes-tricky consistency.)

++ Test the consistency of your icing, which when lifted up should drizzle back down and smooth out within 10 seconds. If too thick, add a touch (and I mean t o u c h) more water. If too thin, add some additional sugar. 

++ Load the icing into a squeeze bottle or piping bag and ice the completely cooled cookies all over.

++ Figure out your color combos of sanding sugar and sprinkle accordingly while the icing is still wet. 

++ Let dry & ENJOY!

Consider this the first of many more spooky sweets to come. Until then…



Well Misfits, our favorite time of year is upon us once again.

That time of year when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead begins to thin…along with the gap between our waistline and bellies (thanks a lot, trick ‘r treat candy).  

Yes – it’s All Hallows’ Eve!  

To some the scariest time of year – but to us…arguably the most freeing.  When we can embrace the spooky vibes and let our freak flags truly fly. Whether it’s dancing in the moonlight, chanting spells of empowerment or getting wasted in drag at the West Hollywood Halloween parade – hey, to each their own!

But in all seriousness, this is a time to relish in traditions.  Regardless if it’s carving jack-o-lanterns to ward off evil spirits; or dressing up in overpriced costumes ever since some genius decided to turn an abandon Toys ‘R Us into a Spirit Halloween store—traditions are what make Halloween special.  As well as sacred.  

So of course, we here at Misfit Living have our own set of traditions that we couldn’t be more excited to chill your souls with, too (just wait ’til you see the Pumpkittens!!!).  But for now, I want to let you in on what’s probably our most favorite one.

Born out of the bowels of Reddit, this is the official, third-annual lineup for our 31 FOR 31 HORROR MOVIE MARATHON!

Although before you get ahead of yourself – no, this is not your AMC “FearFest” rip-off, and it sure as hell isn’t your Freeform “31 Days of Halloween.”  For the past couple of years I’ve taken it upon myself to personally curate a collection of the all-time greatest (and not so great) horror films to binge-watch over the course of October.  

So here’s what we have on tap for 2019:

Calendar graphic via Etsy

For this year in particular, we went with a couple of running themes that will be sure to leave you checking the corners of your apartment for a solid month straight.  

Beginning with “the sequel.”  Since we’ve been doing this ritual for two years now, it’s hard to fill every slot on the calendar with an “original” title, so we are doing a deep-dive into franchises that we hold near and dear to our cold, dead hearts.  Starting with Saw II & Saw III, then moving on to Hell House, LLC II & Hell House, LLC III.  Both series were spawned out of indie-horror darlings that fans could not get enough of, and while the sequels might not leave us biting our knuckles in the same ways at the OGs, they are bound to evoke some sort of resonant energies left behind from the first films.  

Next up, since we here at Misfit Living also consider ourselves true feminists (NOT the modern-day kind that need safe spaces to comfortably express their feelings), we champion the Final Girl. The girl that when backed into a corner, she picks up the knife, gun, or any other easily accessible object to beat her assailant into a quivering mess of blood and bones.  

We relish in seeing strong women overcome the nasty horrors of this world – and the other.  Which is why we’ve additionally included hits such as Wes Craven’s grindhouse classic Last House of the Left; Tarantino’s Death Proof; Shudder’s original film Revenge; the waaaaay ahead of its time, pre-#MeToo masterpiece Teeth; and possibly the most meta-horror film of the last two decades Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.  

And of course from there, we also round things out with a solid mix of other classic horror genres, like witchcraft, body horror, vampires, monster movies, international horror, and more.

Image via Giphy

We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress throughout the month. Although full disclaimer: we have never fully completed the calendar.

However, we are feeling extra spooky, so severed fingers certainly crossed that this year will be different!

In the meantime, let us know some of your favorite Halloween traditions, and what horrifying movies you plan on watching between your fingers this month.  

As always… stay scarier than the dark.




A day that means something to some people, and absolutely nothing to even more.

But what IS special about this particular Friday the 13th is that it’s the first one in 13 years (no joke) to fall on a full moon. The full HARVEST moon, to be exact. Crazy stuff. So for all my witchy women (& dudes) out there, this means it’s a pretty powerful time. 

SO powerful, in fact, it’s like you’re begging the goths to snap into a trance at the stroke of midnight and all pop out for a synchronized industrial dance. 

But enough about them. What this post is really about are the true stars of Friday the 13th: black cats! The precious little lunatics that’ve been the epitomal symbols of bad luck since basically ever. 

Which brings us to today’s point: how insane that actually is when you start to think about it. 

Sure sure, Google the origin stories. Read the folklore. See plenty of brainiacs through the centuries who had their various reasons for associating them with luck – sometimes good, but mostly bad. Although, to the kitties’ credit, it’s not like you’ve ever seen them care at all (A.K.A. the most “cat” move ever). 

But for the record, we’d still like to point out that for as long as pop-culture’s been alive, black cats are more often the poster characters for things like wisdom, protection and intuition. Not just your measly, one-dimensional “bad luck”. Like c’mon, let’s take some personal responsibility, people.

So much like Amber Rose & her anti-slut-shaming brigade, Cher (see below) & her people are reclaiming the notion that they’re nothing more than the face of misfortune. And to help with that, also insisted on a post that commemorates the most iconic black cats ever.

So as you prep your salt shakers, horse shoes, rabbit’s feet and furry dice for the day – let’s get into it.

Salem Saberhagen | Sabrina the Teenage Witch

We’ve touched on our love for the new Salem a la Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. But OG Salem from the ABC version is a legend – plain and simple. That sarcasm, his wit and five-star fab sense of style? There’s little to NOT adore about this guy…aside from that one time he tried to take over the world, which is what landed him this feline form in the first place. But we’ll give him a pass, because also – total cat.

Image Source | ABC | The WB

Thackery Binx | Hocus Pocus

You’d think anything to do with Halloween means getting spooked up to the extreme, but when it comes to Thackery Binx from the on-constant-rotation classic Hocus Pocus, he’s anything but! On an eternal mission to make up for his sister’s death, the 17th-century lad-turned-cat is all about bravery, determination, protection – and caution. Because seriously, when has wandering into abandoned cottages in the woods to play with ancient spell books ever turned out well for anyone? 

Walt Disney Pictures | Buena Vista Pictures

The Cat | Coraline

Another sassy stoic to say the least, “the cat” from Coraline is a great example of gifted guardian extraordinaire. With the ability to lay down all of his wisdom in the other world, the cat was always there to keep Coraline on the right path. Winding through the portals and warning her of mistakes that could have caused the end of everything, he’s hands down a familiar if there ever was one.

Image Source | Laika | Pandemonium Films | Focus Features

Willow the Squishy Cat | Instagram

Armed with more costumes than Elton John and a face that says it all, Willow the Squishy Cat is the true leading lady of Instagram. After being rescued from a less-than-stellar situation a few years back, she found her forever home…and made her viral debut as the “avoCATo” soon after.  From there, it was only a matter of time before she blew up to be the influencer she is today, now hosting meet-and-greets, slinging her own merch and of course, still keeping her costume game on point. 

View this post on Instagram

Hamburglar! 🍔😭#willoween2018 #hamburglar #hairynotsoscary

A post shared by Willow (@willowthesquishycat) on

Business Cat | The Internet 

It’s sometimes hard to remember a world before memes, but in the early days when they were just about to blow up – came Business Cat. Super cute though not always easy to deal with, this boss is the boss of all bosses. That stare. The tie. Clearly, someone whose wrong side you wouldn’t want to get on. But at the end of the day? He most def knows how to get the job done. And that’s why we love him.

Image Source

Luna | Sailor Moon

We always hear about cats having nine lives, though it’s amazing how much they can manage to get done in only one! Take Luna, for example—leader of the most badass clique of galactic kitty saviors there ever was. With years of experience advising royalty of the fallen Moon Kingdom, Luna and her crew were tasked to protect and mentor the new Sailor Squad in their battles to save the solar system. And while I haven’t thought ANYTHING about this storyline in a good twenty years (or know anything about manga in general), you have to admit that all sounds equal parts insane and amazing.

Image Source

Isis | Star Trek

Now, the only thing I know less about than manga is Star Trek – BUT, it doesn’t take an expert to know that Isis the cat was one hell of an assistant. She came from another planet, could communicate telepathically, has been abducted by aliens – and is a master shapeshifter. So essentially all the same things you suspect of your cat, too!

Image Source | Norway Corporation | Paramount Television | NBC

Catwoman | Batman 

It’s hard to go wrong with most of the Catwomen throughout the years, but one thing they have in common is that utterly killer suit (ugh, seriously, would wear all of them every day!!). From the very first Batman comic in 1940 to countless movie, TV and video game appearances throughout the decades, Selina Kyle has been walking the feline-fierce edge between light and dark for almost ever. So we’ll see who will be the next lucky lady to play her in the franchise’s upcoming reboot alongside R-Batz himself.

Image Sources 1, 2 & 3 | Warner Bros. Pictures | Warner Bros. Television

Which is your fave?



If you didn’t get the memo, we’re only 51 DAYS AWAY from Halloween.

I know, I know – it’s hard to believe when it still feels like the surface of the sun outside. But once the networks start promoting their October lineups, dejected pool noodles get marked for closeout and the PSL debuts before school has a chance to start, then you know it’s about to get real.

And if you’re spooky season-obsessed, then you also know it’s time to sound the most important alarm of all: HALLOWEEN MERCH HAS ARRIVED! 

Although, this year? It may not be quite what you’re expecting.

Of course you have the usual suspects: pumpkins, bats, skulls…you know. But this time around it seems retailers nationwide are aiming to keep things fresh as well as chilling. You’ve probably heard the buzz behind TJ’s new yogi skeleton air plants or the surge in tropical Halloween aesthetics (don’t worry, it’s way more chic than you’d assume). However, if you think that’s as crazy as things are getting this year – think again.

Now don’t get me wrong, we’re all about it! The contrast of cute & creepy is always a win. And the degree that stores have stepped up their holiday decor game in recent decades has been pretty revolutionary. Don’t lie: we all know the kinds of decorations our grandmas have stockpiled in their sheds for the last 50 years. So decor that’s both seasonal AND shows off our personal styles? Can’t beat it.

So to kick off our prep for the superbly spooky season, let’s take a look at some of this year’s biggest (& somewhat surprising) decor themes – soon to hit a shelf near you. 

// GLAM //

OK, so glam-o-ween is one that’s actually been around for a while. But how could we resist leaving SUCH a great thing off a list like this? Mercury glass, jewels, metallics and more—what’s seriously not to love about elevating an aesthetic to make it as dark & dreamy, yet refined as possible.

++ Skull Decanter | Williams-Sonoma

++ Mercury Glass Skull | Target

++ Jeweled Metal Fly Ornaments | World Market

++ Black Glass Goblet | At Home

++ Disco Ball Skull | Target

++ Marbled Pumpkin Set | Joann

++ Halloween Feather Wreath | Wayfair

++ Full-Sized, Distressed Gold Skeleton | Grandin Road


Another thing about Halloween is that it’s equal parts fun for adults and kids alike. So it only makes sense that the daily doses of cute you currently see in every other facet of retail on the planet (looking @ u sloths, llamas and unicorns) would make their way into these seasonal goods as well. 

& if you don’t believe me, just go to your local grocery store and tell me there isn’t a llama sitting in the Halloween section right now.

++ Halloween Llama | Pier 1

++ Fairy Skeleton Ornament | Joann

++ Halloween Unicorn Cookies | Williams-Sonoma (OK not decor, but so cute)

++ Pumpkin Succulent | Target

++ Unicorn Skeleton | World Market

++ Halloween Teapot | Pier 1

++ Halloween Sloth | Target


In addition to love, vampires and Nikki Sixx’s heart, steampunk never dies, either. A case that’s especially true when it comes to aesthetics of Halloween! From Victorian Goth vibes to old world treasures, this year has brought a healthy host of products that celebrates the timeless look, no doubt.

++ Spooky Record Player | Wayfair

++ Poisons & Potions Wagon | Target

++ Skeleton Carriage | Michaels

++ Spooky Cameras | World Market

++ Antique Phone | Grandin Road

++ Pumpkin Coach | Wayfair

++ Spooky Film Projector | World Market

// RETRO //

As we’ve seen with every recent movie and TV reboot: nostalgia is clearly in. And apparently the same goes for Halloween. Although tons of stores roll out their own spins on vintage products, the latter half of the twentieth century has obviously been a particularly popular source of inspiration.

Besides, let’s be real – those life-sized, animatronic zombie props are basically just Big Mouth Billy Basses in disguise.

++ Vintage Halloween Radio | Grandin Road

++ Skeleton Yard Flamingos | Amazon

++ Moon Dream Catcher | At Home

++ Skull Shag Rug | Pier 1

++ Neon Flying Witch Sign | Target

What other fun finds have you spotted this year?
