Happy New Year, my msft party people!

It’s time to say hello to all the ~n3w year, n3w me~ posts because 2020 has officially arrived. 

((( as mind-blowingly WEIRD as that still feels to say )))

Now, it’s not like we ~don’t~ have just as corny yet super relevant resolutions as the next guy; but in addition to vowing to schlep to the gym a little more often & maybe make one less mimosa every now & again, another always-fun way to kickstart a brand-new year is with a good ol’ fashioned tarot spread. 

IDK about you, but after jotting down all the fresh, fierce goals in mind for the shiny year, it only feels natural to then flip perspective on its head. Sure, you’ve set sights on what you’d like to come of the next 12 lunar cycles, but what about what the cosmos has up its own sleeve?

That’s where our New Year-specific spread comes into play. 

Morgan Greer tarot cards

Before the low-key panic starts to set in – breathe easy. This is not one of those crazy complicated, sometimes intimidating, how-the-hell-am-I-ever-going-to-remember-all-of-this kind of spreads. Oh no. This one, in all reality, couldn’t GET any simpler. So wipe those beads of sweat off your furrowed brow & let’s dive right in!

First off – as always – you want to clear out your cards (AKA knock on them three times) & give them a good, thorough shuffle. And if you can’t shuffle, cue splattering them around the ground to move around & restack because seriously, we can’t all be Vegas Black Jack dealers, right?

Next, neatly fan them out in a line or circle across a table, the floor or whatever else that works best for you.

tarot card spread

While concentrating on the question “what does this next year have in store for me?”, say the phrase out loud & pick out 13 cards, one at a time. As you select them, place each one in order along the pattern below, with the final card placed by itself at the bottom.

New Year tarot card spread

Hooray – you did it! Now…what is it supposed to mean???

Each of the cards represents a different month of the year. As you can guess, the first one is January, the second is February, following the shape to finally end in December. 

One of my personal fave elements of tarot is how it speaks to one big narrative. So as you study your own reading, just think of it like the cosmos’ very own Insta story for your coming year.

The high priestess tarot card

Especially in a spread like this, I also like to pay special attention to major versus minor cards, which differentiate between the potentially more significant/thematic life events & menial day-to-day happenings; as well as reversed/upside down cards, which represent lesser, opposite, impending or sometimes even blocked energies – as opposed to the more straightforward  interpretations as represented by their normal, upright counterparts.

But before you get ~too far~ down that rabbit hole, don’t forget that lone, little guy at the bottom! Twelve cards later, this last card is supposed to encompass our overall, personal theme for the year. And for as tempting as it might be to take it all in one card at a time, it can be extremely insightful to use that final card as a master lens to assess all the rest.

So take notes! Take a pic! Pin it on your wall & buy a brand new deck! Do whatever you have to do to keep your own spread in mind & have fun seeing how it plays out throughout the year.

Rumor has it 2020 is bound to be a wild one. So what’s on tap for you?



Something SPOOKY this way comes. Hopefully it’s cooler temps & news that the pumpkin patches have landed.

So to go along with that, I wanted to talk about something that’s always been near and dear to my heart (& I’m sure many of yours too): magick!

Or the metaphysical, working with the universe, getting down with your spirit guides – whatever you want to call it.

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been super drawn to things of the metaphysical and supernatural nature. So much so that I even spent a solid month of my 8-year-old existence writing early forms of Charmed fan fiction (PRE-LiveJournal – crazy).

However, it wasn’t until I went off to college that I feel like a whole other chapter of it began. Mainly when tarot cards entered the picture.

And I know what you might be thinking: tarot cards! Easy fodder for people to roll their eyes and laugh at anyone who thinks they actually tell the future! Which, to be fair, I definitely don’t think they do that ~exactly~, either. 

In fact, I had an amazing tarot mentor for years who always said that at the end of the day, everyone has free will. So while the cards may provide some guidance or make you see things in a way you may have never thought about before, it’s most def NOT a set-in-stone prophecy. At all. And if you’re getting a reading by someone who says it is – r u n.

(Or just take it with the world’s largest grain of salt).

But here’s the deal. What they can do from a self-reflection standpoint is beyond unreal. And even better? They’re a fan-taastic way to practice a little thing we like to call micro-magick.

The Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck

Now, if you’ve ever read pretty much anything to do with magick, then it’s totally understandable to feel a bit (a lot) overwhelmed at first. All the steps, the colors, the visualizations, the names of Ancient Sumerian deities to remember- it’s enough to leave anyone wondering who has time for all of this?! 

BUT, here’s the thing! One of the main points of magick is to make your own experience of it. Which also means dedicating however much time and energy you can – NOT stressing out about rules as strict as security at Area 51. 

(Simple as that, right? – ha)

A couple of months ago for my birthday, Kevin & I went out to Joshua Tree for a two-day meditation retreat lead by the one and only Damien Echols (which is a whole other post I need to do some time). And as one of many crazy-amazing things we all talked about that weekend, he totally echoed this point. 

Whenever you’re, say, logging 18 years and 76 days on death row for a crime you never committed (you know, nbd), finding 8 hours a day to practice rituals and get your time in with the arch angels doesn’t sound like the most impossible thing. But for the average peeps who grind away 40, 50, 60 or more hours a week – it tends to be a little tougher.

Although with that said, there’s one other little (major) detail to keep in mind: you’re ALREADY doing magick, whether you know it or not!

((Wait, what?¿?))


So my whole point ~really~ being, that even the smallest amount of time you set aside in a day can still make a huge difference in the long run of magick. And since short yet persistent is more productive than the occasional binge (hello, this isn’t Netflix), another key trick is to treat it like part of your daily routine. Not just a hobby or something you do in your free time, because let’s also be real – those are always the first to slip through the cracks.

Whether it’s taking five minutes in the morning to pull three cards for your day, or spending some time on your lunch break to meditate on a few mantras you’ve set for the week – it really can be that easy to start making a world of difference in your perspective. 

So go forth, have fun, learn lots & hone to own the magickal power that’s already inside you.

Be sure to let us know how it goes.
